Dental Pain in Lakewood, CO

Dental Pain in Lakewood, CO

Dental pain is any pain that occurs in or around your mouth. It can be an unpleasant sensation in the mouth, head, or neck that can range from mild to severe. It can include sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, swelling, and bleeding. Dental pain can be caused by problems within the tooth, gums, as well as nerves.

Although dental pain can occur for a variety of reasons, the most common reasons for dental pain are as follows:

  • Cavities
  • Broken teeth
  • Infection or abscess
  • Jaw disease
  • Gum disease
  • Bruxism
  • Injury to a tooth or gums
  • A damaged filling

What Are The Treatments For Dental Pain?

There are many treatments for dental pain, and it depends on the cause of your pain and what type of pain you’re experiencing. Some common treatments for dental pain include:

  • Dental Restoration

Dental restoration is recommended for patients who suffer from damaged, cracked, or missing teeth. The procedure is customized to each patient’s unique dental needs. For example, a cracked tooth may be treated with a dental crown.

  • Tooth Extraction

If the tooth has decay that extends to the pulp, or if there is trauma to the tooth, extraction may be necessary. Tooth extraction is a relatively common procedure, and your dentist will numb the area before removing the tooth. If the patient has a tooth that needs to be extracted, a dental implant or other restoration may be recommended to restore the smile.

  • Root Canal Treatment

Teeth can become infected for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause is decay. Decay occurs when plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on a tooth. The initial stage of decay is reversible, so dentists can usually remove the decay and restore the tooth with a dental restoration, such as a crown or filling. However, if the decay progresses past a certain point, the tooth can become infected.

An infected tooth has an opening that houses soft tissue known as the dental pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves, which is why you need endodontic treatment if there is decay beyond a certain point. During a root canal treatment, your dentist will clean out the infected pulp and seal the tooth.

How To Prevent Dental Pain?

If you are worried about dental pain, there are several things you can do to prevent pain from occurring in the first place.

First, keep your teeth clean by brushing twice and flossing at least once each day. Maintain a good oral hygiene routine, and visit your dentist every six months. This routine helps to prevent cavities and gum disease, which can result in pain.

Additionally, do not chew on ice, pens, pencils, or any other hard objects. Hard foods can also cause dental pain.

To find out more about the dental services offered at Aaron E Slavsky DDS, call Dentist Lakewood CO at 303.233.1704.